A new look and Shine Shone!

Where would I be without Joe Pisano? Still kicking around wondering if my stuff was good enough to be out there – that’s where.  Joe has been in my corner from day 1 on this journey.  He is my friend, my colleague, and my brother, and I really appreciate all he has done – which included calling me the other day to say “Hey, I updated your site.  That’s a great picture!” Thanks again Joe, for all you have done for me!

Another guy that has really given me a shot in the arm of late is Drew Fennell.  Many thanks again to Drew who this afternoon debuted “Shine!” with the Carnegie Mellon Pre-College Summer Wind Ensemble!!! My respect and appreciation for Drew as a musician, conductor, and composer continues to grow.  The performance was great, and I really appreciate those students bringing this music to life!!!  Bump on over to myspace and check out the live recording from the July 18th concert – it even still has that new recording smell to it…I think!

More to come in the months ahead, so stay tuned! And if not, Korg makes a very affordable model (that’s free advertising you can’t buy anywhere!)….

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