Why our band programs need chamber music now more than ever

What does the future of instrumental music education hold for the band world? As I have completed several virtual clinics the past few weeks, this question has never been more in the front of the minds of band directors. Until COVID-19, this question was being asked by those frustrated with recruitment, retention, scheduling, student effort, administrative support, and financial backing […]

Seven Signs of Successful Ensembles – Part 2

Thank you to those of you who reached out personally thanking me for Part I in this post – I was pleasantly surprised with comments, encouragement and (nice) demands for Part II. I take great unabashed joy to write about this part of the music ensemble. As I mentioned last week, there are core components here that are influenced by […]

Seven Signs of Successful Ensembles – Part I

Summer has afforded me the opportunity to think some thoughts without feeling overwhelmed. My thoughts on bands continue to be at the forefront of my mind. My vision for the future of music education in public and private schools includes a strong presence of the school band playing an integral part in building musicians, shaping attitudes towards the fine arts, […]

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