Episode 16 of the Two Minute Clinic
Episode 16 of the Two Minute Clinic is now up. If you are a band director who teaches elementary, junior high or middle school, I would ask your assistance with a research project. I am examining recruitment and retention of band students in elementary and junior high/middle school settings in the age of COVID. The links to each survey is included below.
Link to Elementary Band Director Survey
Link to JH/MS Band Director Survey
This research project would seek to discover three aspects related to recruitment and retention of band students in elementary and middle school settings:
1. Examination of attrition levels in the areas of recruitment and retention of junior high/middle school band students.
2. Determine how junior high/middle school band directors are addressing the areas of recruitment and retention in the age of COVID.
3. Identify successful strategies for recruitment, retention and re-enrollment of junior high/middle school band students.
Data from the study will be analyzed with appropriate statistical measures and reported in aggregate form. Participants who participate in the first part of the study will not be identified individually. The first portion of this survey will take participants approximately five to six minutes to complete. Participants have the option of answering five additional questions related to recruitment and retention by providing appropriate contact information.