New Music for 2023
Dear Band Director Friends,
I hope you are well and are enjoying a well-deserved summer break. As August is upon us, I would like to take a few minutes to share some works with you to consider for your ensembles to study and perform this year. In addition to four new works, there are older pieces that groups continue to enjoy working on. There is a great deal of variety between their styles, and each piece offers an enjoyable musical challenge for your students.
New Music:
The Warrior’s Path is a new work for beginning band making use of the first 6 notes of the Bb Concert Scale. The piece is programmatic in nature following a solitary warrior who defends those that cannot defend themselves. A full recording and score preview can be found here.
Additionally, The Warrior’s Path has is one of the nominees for J.W. Pepper’s Directors Vote. Ensemble directors are invited to vote for their favorite new Editor’s Choice concert band compositions. If after listening to my piece you would feel led to support it in this campaign, I would be honored. Please feel free to share this with friends and colleagues who can vote for your music as often as they like. Results are compiled with the top favorites featured in upcoming Pepper promotions.
A Comet’s Tale is available from Murphy Music Press. The piece grew out of a musical challenge from good friend, mentor, and educator Quincy Hilliard. A unique melodic language emerges between two groups in the ensemble (one group using Bb Whole Tone and the other B Whole Tone) both harmonized using various types of seventh chords. The piece is a homage on many different levels. I recommend the work for advanced middle school/junior high groups or high school groups looking to explore a new sound canvas. Listen to the full recording here performed by the Pittsburgh Creators Project Symphonic Winds.
The Haunting Call is now available from Wingert-Jones music for high school band. The opening makes use of plastic bags, tuned crystal water glasses (or bowed vibraphone), and homemade rattles as a “haunting call” emerges from flute and clarinet (optional solos). As the drama and sound intensify the piece breaks into a maniacal waltz with plenty of opportunities for all sections to experience “the call”. The recording on YouTube is a bit under tempo – ultimately the faster your band can play it the better! It is a perfect addition to a fall concert or spring contest program. It is listed a grade 3 from Wingert Jones Music. A full recording and score preview can be found here.
Canticles of Hyperion is my first worked published with Murphy Music Press. The piece details the journey, fall, and eventual rise of the Titan Hyperion. Originally commissioned by the University of Richmond Wind Ensemble, the work is a grade 4 with a number of different sections that culminate in an uplifting and triumphant ending. I highly recommend this work for mature ensembles seeking not only a musical challenge, but a way to talk about how choices and priorities impact our lives. Listen to the full recording from the Pittsburgh Creators Project.
Older works:
I was really blown away by the reception that The Wellerman Come received over the past year from directors, students, and even parents who messaged me through my website and on Facebook. One of the consistent comments was simply “It’s so fun!” – and there are times that music should be just that! It is available in print or through digital download and I hope you might consider it for your programming needs as a concert closer.
Link for The Wellerman Come:
One piece I would encourage directors of middle school groups to consider for a holiday concert is A Winter Flourish for Wenceslas. The melody of “Good King Wenceslas” has been slightly altered, making use of syncopation, to provide a decidedly new twist on a familiar holiday tune.
If you are a director who makes use of Smart Music, the following pieces that I composed are currently available: Dancing Under the Stars (Bandworks Publications), Festival and Ballade for Winds (Wingert-Jones), Eyes of the Dragon (FJH), Monsters of Myth (FJH), The Last Stagecoach Heist (FJH), Jubilant Flourishes (FJH), and Yankee Fanfare (Grand Mesa).
Directors in need of a patriotic work might consider American Visions (FJH, Grade 4), The Forge of Freedom (Wingert-Jones, Grade 2.5), Songs of Soldiers (Grand Mesa, 3), and For Country and Courage (Wingert-Jones, Grade 2).
A number of my works have been receiving repeat programming over the past 10 years. I am very appreciative from the support of directors and glad to hear the positive experiences enjoyed by the students. If you have not already checked out these works, please consider sharing them with your ensemble: Sonic Ascent (Grade 1 – Elementary), Festival of Flight (Grade 2 – JH/MS, FJH), Apollo Arise (Gr. 3 – HS, Carl Fischer), Peat Fire Flame (Grade 3 – Adv. MS/HS, Wingert-Jones), Moravian Dance (Gr. 3.5 – HS, FJH), Pirates! (Gr. 3.5 – HS, FJH), and (Grade 4.5 – HS, Wingert-Jones). I am very grateful to the directors who have shared As Moonlight Falls (Grade 2 – JH/MS, Wingert-Jones) and Resilience (Grade 4 – HS, Carl Fischer) with their groups. The positive feedback affirms my believe in what these pieces can offer groups both in the rehearsal and outside the band room walls. I always appreciate hearing if you are studying one of my pieces with your groups and would love to hear about their experience.
If I can be of service to you and your students in the coming year, please contact me at this email address or at Messiah University. As Director of Music Education at Messiah, my schedule affords me to make visits for clinics both in person and virtually. The sessions can cover rehearsal critiques, composition advice, leadership, or even discussing one of my pieces should you find one that fits your group’s needs. Please contact me at your convenience if you are interested in exploring a date for a visit. As someone who taught in the public schools for 22 years, I truly appreciate and applaud your continued diligence and dedication to instrumental education. Best wishes for a fantastic school year and thanks again!