Free Chamber Music Post #2

To my friends and colleagues in instrumental music, this is the second in a series of free chamber music pieces that I am making available. Though shorter and transposed from the orginal key, I hope your students will enjoy this setting of the Minuet from Mozart’s Symphony No. 28. This quartet for 2 Flutes and 2 Clarinets in Bb is […]

Free Chamber Music Post #1

To my friends and colleagues in instrumental music, I hope you might find this setting of the Moorish Dance by Tielman Susato (from The Danserye) useful. The setting is only about one minute in length, and was originally arranged for a Junior High/Middle School Group (Grade 2). It has been set for a Bb Quartet (ideally 3 Bb Clarinets and […]

Why our band programs need chamber music now more than ever

What does the future of instrumental music education hold for the band world? As I have completed several virtual clinics the past few weeks, this question has never been more in the front of the minds of band directors. Until COVID-19, this question was being asked by those frustrated with recruitment, retention, scheduling, student effort, administrative support, and financial backing […]

Episode 11 of the Two Minute Clinic: Composers on Composing

I am delighted to be joined by Jude Gore, Mark Surovchak and Rob Traugh for Episode 11 of the Two Minute Clinic. The conversation goes from the creative process, where we find inspiration, capturing emerging ideas, and where our current projects are taking us. I hope this video is helpful to those who need encouragement or advice on the art […]

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