Take the Lead!
A huge thank you to those who have reached out via a variety of platforms regarding the first Two Minute Clinic! I have a number of short videos already planned for 2020 (including upcoming discussion on Long Tones, Analogies in the Rehearsal, and Scales). One thing that a couple of people asked were to provide some more depth on a […]
The Two Minute Clinic: Episode 2
Episode 2 of the TMC is now up. In this episode I will be discussing “Their Most Important Job: Make a Beautiful Sound”. I hope you find the discussion insightful and reaffirming in your role as an educator and director.
Why I love Pageant (…Because I didn’t at first)
As far as core repertoire goes, most directors would agree that First Suite in Eb and Second Suite in F by Holst, Lincolnshire Posy by Grainger, and Folk Song Suite by Vaughan Williams make the list. Beyond that, the debate to me does get interesting. Everyone has their personal favorite among the significant pieces for the wind ensemble and concert […]
The Two Minute Clinic
This year I am launching a new series on YouTube to share some thoughts, ideas, and perspectives on instrumental music education called The Two Minute Clinic. I hope that these short videos spark some discussion, ideas, and creativity in band directors at all levels. If you have some thoughts for future episodes that you would like to see discussed, please […]