Let’s start by asking better questions…

I am not one to make a new year’s resolution – the idea of self-regulation only once every 365 days is somewhat unsettling.  If you think that needs to happen only once every 8,760 hours, you might have some personal issues that no amount of blogging can ever fix – sorry to drop the hammer, just a personal view. That […]

Jazz Kings

I am pleased to announce that a live recording of Jazz Kings is now up at Myspace.  My thanks to the GCC Wind Ensemble for doing some great work on very short notice!  Looking forward to seeing many of you in Chicago next month amongst clinics and concerts galore – and especially a clinic given by Dr. Joseph M. Pisano […]

Always on the move…or at least thinking about it…

A busy week – in the stretch of a busy month of thinking… On Tuesday, I will be taking students to audition for our District Honor Band at Westminster College.  It is always an anxiety filled time for them, and easy to lose site of the fact auditions are the test of our growth, not our worth (see I believe […]

Tales at Midwest!

I am delighted to announce that the West Ridge Middle School Wind Ensemble will perform Tales of A Medieval Warrior at the Midwest Conference in Chicago this December.  If you have not had the opportunity, check out the full score and recording on-line at FJH Music.

Sticking the landing after the big leap…

Four very short weeks ago, the band program at Mercer took a big leap as we started our year with a unit on chamber music that culminated in our Fall Chamber Recital.  Over twenty different selections were presented in the recital ranging from Handel, Haydn, and Mozart to Sousa, and John Williams.  You can read a full copy of the […]

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