Pirates! has arrived!

I am pleased to report that Pirates! is posted in its entirety, so please give a listen over at myspace.com/travisjweller when you get a chance! My thanks and appreciation are extended to Dr. R. Tad Greig and the Westminster College Wind Ensemble for inviting me over to conduct them on October 26, 2007. It was a great experience, and they […]

Owen Bradley’s debate on "August Rush"

If you care about music education and our future as a profession, make a quick journey over to Owen Bradley’s blog (The Digital Music Educator).  He has written a great blog in reaction to the movie “August Rush”.  He poses a great question regarding if an individual is considered a great musician despite not having the ability to read and write music.  Joe […]

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

WARNING: The following blog contains shameless advertisement for the Mercer Middle-Senior High School Bands! Okay, if you made it to sentence two then you realize there must be an upcoming concert.  The ensembles at Mercer will present their Holiday Concert on Wednesday evening, November 28th at 7:00 p.m.  A synopsis of each group’s program follows….

Podcast newbie!

At the urging of several friends, and a desire to provide some extra help for my students I have completed my first podcast at Wildvoice. The first podcast is a review/remediation session of cut-time and 6/8 rhythms that the middle school band has been working on during rehearsals and that are found in one of their selections for the Holiday Concert.  It is simply titled “Mercer MS Band Rhythm Tutoring Session”. Though I consider […]


You are seated in a rehearsal with your students.  Suddenly without warning an alto clarinet spontaneously combusts into flames.  It spreads quickly to your gradebook, old wool band uniforms, and begins creeping towards the music library.  You have but seconds to get you and your students out of the room (okay so there are a few percussionists that you conveniently […]

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