Music is the Gift!

As a music educator of over twenty years and a parent of school age children, I don’t always attend a live concert where I don’t have a vested interest. If I am not thinking about how my own students might do, I am a proud father hanging on each note my own children perform. One might think someone in my […]

Does the Grind Ever Stop?

Amid now 186 pages and just shy of 45,000 words I take a minute to revisit one of my favorite hashtags on Twitter – #grindneverstops  – and apply that to a lifestyle in music education. Notice the difference – I said lifestyle, not a job. The one thing I have tried to impress upon assistant directors with whom I have […]

Music Alumni Events!

Last night, I had the good fortune of hosting 47 alumni of the Band Program at Mercer during our Homecoming Football Game. It was a great evening of music, friends, laughter, and memories that added to the festivities of the entire Mercer school community. One of my current students got to conduct his dad on a song, two of the […]

Member article in the NBA Journal

I am pleased to announce that “Never a Losing Season” was included in the NBA 2012 Spring Journal. There are a number of great articles in the issue, and my article can be found on page 19. It is an honor to be able to share these insights with colleagues across a larger circle, and I am hopeful that some […]

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