September 2010 Music Education Blog Carnival!!!

Just in time for your labor day fun – the September edition of the Music Education Blog Carnival is here! It is very exciting to host, but it is even more exciting having nearly 100 submissions! There are so many of us now in this stream of communication and media that are making a difference by our professional development, reading, […]

Big Leap into a Small Room

As another year is about to start, I am taking a big leap with my ensembles at Mercer into a much smaller room. Our first public performance this year will involve all instrumental students in grades 7-12 performing in a chamber recital in late September.  In past years, I have only involved the Wind Ensemble students at Mercer in the […]

“Feeling” Interpreters

This week I began researching interpretation and feeling as part of my work at Kent State.  At first glance, they seemed unrelated. However, the more I began reading perspectives of different composers and conductors, my conclusion is that great interpretation does not just recreate the composer’s intent but rather conveys feelings that the composer intended. The sources abounded including Mark […]

Small Ensembles and the Chamber of Doom?

Though living in the Northeast, the one thing I enjoy about January and February – besides Pitt basketball playing conference games in the Big East – is getting the chance to just teach.  Nothing pressing, no standardized tests on the immediate horizon, the students have returned refreshed from break, and there is plenty of fertile ground to plant some good […]

American Visions and Irish Jig for Young Feet on Youtube!

A great find tonight on Youtube.   I was fortunate enough to have Irish Jig for Young Feet performed at the 63rd Annual Midwest Band and Orchestra Clinic in Decmeber by the Vandercook College Symphonic Band.  My thanks to Dr. Charles Menghini and Stacey Larson for programming this piece.  Stacey did a great job with the band, and it was a […]

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