The Great Thing About Suspended Animation

Now on the other side of 5 credits at Kent State University, I actually have some free moments to think and there has been a couple of things I have been wanting to share. Actually there is more than a couple, I just have not had the time. Most of them deal with new music that I have come across […]

Processing adjudication festivals

Tuesday was awesome!  I was able to take all 3 of the concert bands at Mercer to the PMEA Instrumental Adjudication festival at Westminster College.  I am very pleased with the groups and their performance.  Pennsylvania’s adjudication circuit allows directors to choose music from the state list (which NEEDS serious revamping PMEA!!! Not that I dwell on the problems within […]

Host with the most

Now in my thirteenth year of teaching, I have officially hosted 12 high school band shows, 4 all county band festivals, 10 jazz festivals, and by the end of this week will have hosted my second PMEA District 5 Band Festival.  I made a decision long ago that one area in which I would make an effort to improve the […]

Midwest International Band & Orchestra Clinic

It is the Super Bowl of Music Conferences.  The Cadillac of Music Cars.  It is the only place where you hear gems like: Francis McBeth” “I am proud to say I have lived long enough to see the rise and fall of Communism in Russia and 12 tone rows.” A wonderful two days in the city of Chicago, Illinois.  There […]

The British are coming! (PODCAST ALERT!!!)

Easy there Paul Revere, it is just a concert we have started preparing for in February.  Bump on over to Wildvoice and check out the links.  The months to come will probably spurn a few more podcasts about this group of composers.  My favorite, Ralph Vaughan Williams, is amongst them, so you must excuse my bias.

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