The Two Minute Clinic Episode 8: The Warm-up Extended.

So very grateful to Andrew Yozviak, Jason Worzbyt, and Tad Greig for joining me on an extended edition of the Two Minute Clinic. Our discussion focuses on the warm-up – how part of the routine shouldn’t be routine, how do we focus the sound of our ensemble, and how we need to link our warm-up into our rehearsals. Great conversation […]

Take the Lead!

A huge thank you to those who have reached out via a variety of platforms regarding the first Two Minute Clinic! I have a number of short videos already planned for 2020 (including upcoming discussion on Long Tones, Analogies in the Rehearsal, and Scales). One thing that a couple of people asked were to provide some more depth on a […]

The Two Minute Clinic: Episode 2

Episode 2 of the TMC is now up. In this episode I will be discussing “Their Most Important Job: Make a Beautiful Sound”. I hope you find the discussion insightful and reaffirming in your role as an educator and director.

Repertoire Preparation

I am delighted to have an article in the June 2019 Issue of the Instrumentalist. Summer is a great time to start getting repertoire prepared for your groups. Hope this article provides all of you with some insight and points for consideration. Enjoy!

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