New Music for 2018-19

It is hard to believe that summer is approaching August 1. Knowing that school is around the corner for many friends and colleagues in the band world, I wanted to share four new works that have been published that may be of interest to school bands during the upcoming school year. There is a great deal of variety between their […]

Midwest 2017

Hope to see friends and colleagues from across the country in just over a week at the 71st Annual Midwest Clinic in Chicago . I will be presenting a clinic on Wednesday , December 20th at 1:45 p.m. in W180. “Composing with my middle school band during rehearsal? Yes you can!” Provided insights and suggestions for opening up introductory composition […]

PMEA District 7 Professional Development Day

I am honored to be included among the list of presenters at the PMEA District 7 Professional Development Day on Monday, October 9, 2017. The event, held at Ephrata Middle School, will feature over 30 sessions for in-service and pre-service music educators in the Harrisburg region. My three sessions throughout the day include:

New Music for 2017!

It has been an exciting year (and my final) at Mercer Middle-Senior High School. I am eagerly looking forward to the next chapter that begins in the Music Department at Messiah College. I will be serving as Director of Music Education for the undergraduate program. So many great faculty on staff, and it will be great working side by side […]

It truly is an honor.

Tomorrow (November 5th) I will be at Indiana University of Pennsylvania for their annual Junior High Honor Band Invitational. Dr. Jason Worzbyt (friend, colleague, and bassoonist supreme) extended an invitation to me last spring to come down and share with the students. I am so very appreciative when the invitation comes from not only a friend, but a colleague that […]

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