I’ll never be smarter…

Since May of 2011 I have been preparing for the last week of my life, and I still did not feel ready. With all course work complete at Kent State University, the next major hurdle in front of me towards a doctoral degree in music education were candidacy exams. On Wednesday & Thursday (10/26 & 27) I wrote for a […]

An Open Letter to Emily

It was really nice hearing from Emily, a freshman music major, a couple of days ago. Her journey is just beginning, and knowing who she is studying with – I cannot be more excited for her.  In one of her music education classes she was asked to pose some questions to a current teacher about how they arrived at being […]

Never a losing season?

On my way to work today I ran into the baseball coach at my school. His son plays trombone in the bands where I teach, and he was in attendance at the spring concert last night. “How come you never have a losing season?” he asked with a smile.

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