Seven Signs of Successful Ensembles – Part 2

Thank you to those of you who reached out personally thanking me for Part I in this post – I was pleasantly surprised with comments, encouragement and (nice) demands for Part II. I take great unabashed joy to write about this part of the music ensemble. As I mentioned last week, there are core components here that are influenced by […]

Seven Signs of Successful Ensembles – Part I

Summer has afforded me the opportunity to think some thoughts without feeling overwhelmed. My thoughts on bands continue to be at the forefront of my mind. My vision for the future of music education in public and private schools includes a strong presence of the school band playing an integral part in building musicians, shaping attitudes towards the fine arts, […]

Messiah Year 1: Lessons Remembered

I suppose that every now and then it is a good idea to have a first-time experience all over again. I didn’t really plan on having my first year teaching all over again in year number 23 of my career in music education, but it happened. There are still things that I don’t know that I don’t know, and it […]

PMEA District 7 Professional Development Day

I am honored to be included among the list of presenters at the PMEA District 7 Professional Development Day on Monday, October 9, 2017. The event, held at Ephrata Middle School, will feature over 30 sessions for in-service and pre-service music educators in the Harrisburg region. My three sessions throughout the day include:

It truly is an honor.

Tomorrow (November 5th) I will be at Indiana University of Pennsylvania for their annual Junior High Honor Band Invitational. Dr. Jason Worzbyt (friend, colleague, and bassoonist supreme) extended an invitation to me last spring to come down and share with the students. I am so very appreciative when the invitation comes from not only a friend, but a colleague that […]

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