Music Education as a shaping force in culture

The following is one of the founding beliefs in my philosophy of music education.  I have recently been mulling over the task that lies ahead of all music education in the responsibility to be a shaping force in our own culture.  There are a number of performing arts groups situated in communities that contribute to the culture that are faced […]

We are a profession, so let’s be professional.

A friend from a distant school emailed me the other day asking my (along with several others) for some input about a scheduling/curriculum issue.  I read through the email, and decided to give it some thought during my 44 minute red light of study hall duty.  Later that night I returned to my email to find another colleague had responded to […]

I can smell the funnel cake from here…

So Dr. Pisano says to me ” You’re hosting the November Blog Carnival.” I say “Sure!” He didn’t share with me that this carnival lacks funnel cake…very distressing. But we are lining up a series of great posts for the November carnival.  I can almost smell the funnel cake from here… There is plenty of room for new posts as well as bringing […]

Lessons learned from Michael Phelps

The Olympic Games have been nothing short of amazing displays by amazing athletes. Phelps certainly has claimed his spot at the front of the class with his amazing swims over the first 8 nights of these games. Watching others go through the “thrill of victory and the agony of defeat” (Thanks Jim! Rest in peace!) is as real as it […]

Processing adjudication festivals

Tuesday was awesome!  I was able to take all 3 of the concert bands at Mercer to the PMEA Instrumental Adjudication festival at Westminster College.  I am very pleased with the groups and their performance.  Pennsylvania’s adjudication circuit allows directors to choose music from the state list (which NEEDS serious revamping PMEA!!! Not that I dwell on the problems within […]

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