Travis J. Weller

Midwest International Band & Orchestra Clinic

It is the Super Bowl of Music Conferences.  The Cadillac of Music Cars.  It is the only place where you hear gems like: Francis McBeth” “I am proud to say I have lived long enough to see the rise and fall of Communism in Russia and 12 tone rows.” A wonderful two days in the city of Chicago, Illinois.  There […]

The Ever-Evolving Educator of Music: A Visionary

What a great day of teaching! MS Band played through the setting of the Jupiter Chorale, HS Band worked Flourish for Band by Vaughan Williams, and the Wind Ensemble really dug into 1st Suite by Holst (After all, The British are coming…). But that wasn’t even the best part. Thanks to the encouragement and assistance of Dr. Joseph Pisano, I […]

The British are coming! (PODCAST ALERT!!!)

Easy there Paul Revere, it is just a concert we have started preparing for in February.  Bump on over to Wildvoice and check out the links.  The months to come will probably spurn a few more podcasts about this group of composers.  My favorite, Ralph Vaughan Williams, is amongst them, so you must excuse my bias.

Pirates! has arrived!

I am pleased to report that Pirates! is posted in its entirety, so please give a listen over at when you get a chance! My thanks and appreciation are extended to Dr. R. Tad Greig and the Westminster College Wind Ensemble for inviting me over to conduct them on October 26, 2007. It was a great experience, and they […]

Owen Bradley’s debate on "August Rush"

If you care about music education and our future as a profession, make a quick journey over to Owen Bradley’s blog (The Digital Music Educator).  He has written a great blog in reaction to the movie “August Rush”.  He poses a great question regarding if an individual is considered a great musician despite not having the ability to read and write music.  Joe […]

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