Music is the Gift!

As a music educator of over twenty years and a parent of school age children, I don’t always attend a live concert where I don’t have a vested interest. If I am not thinking about how my own students might do, I am a proud father hanging on each note my own children perform. One might think someone in my […]

PMEA Summer Conference 2015

I am looking forward to presenting tomorrow at the 2015 PMEA Summer Conference in Harrisburg tomorrow. The session is entitled “Even ensemble directors need P.R.A.C.T.I.C.E.” (focusing on Planning, Repertoire, Assessment, Concerts, T’s of the Rehearsal, Instruction, Creativity, and Ethics and Emotion). This session includes a blend of recent research in music education, and interactive discussion of best practice and new […]

A Journey, some Pirates, a Jig, and a “Frontier…”

On the horizon – Pirates! (a 2009 J.W.Pepper’s Editor’s Choice) and Irish Jig for Young Feet will be available this summer from FJH Music.  Irish Jig for Young Feet is a delightful little 6/8 jig with some call and response between the percussionists and the winds players (and their feet!).  My thanks goes out to Tad Greig who was the […]

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