A Composer on Composing: Thoughts on Creating Music to Convey Emotion

An important part to emphasize is that the composer feels that something is incorrect or in congruent. There may be no rule or guideline that explains it logically, but the composer feels that they must continue the process of refinement.

Figuring It Out One Note at a Time

Where did all this music come from? My role as a composer has become an integral component of my philosophy and my daily walk as a music educator.  Since my time as an undergraduate student I have always held an interest in arranging and composition for instrumental ensembles, but after taking my first teaching position I found my duties did […]

“Feeling” Interpreters

This week I began researching interpretation and feeling as part of my work at Kent State.  At first glance, they seemed unrelated. However, the more I began reading perspectives of different composers and conductors, my conclusion is that great interpretation does not just recreate the composer’s intent but rather conveys feelings that the composer intended. The sources abounded including Mark […]

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