Dream Chaser (A New Day Has Begun)

Dream Chaser is a spirited concert opener for high school band that captures the energy and emotion of those who choose to follow their dreams in any walk of life. The buoyant melodies of the opening measures later give way to a powerful and expressive section with brief solo opportunities for flute, clarinet, alto saxophone, tenor saxophone, and baritone. The […]

Winds of a New Day on Youtube!

My thanks to Edward Petersen and the Washington Winds for sharing a behind the scenes look at the Barnhouse Recording sessions for 2012. The group is performing “Winds of a New Day”, a concert opener at the grade 1.5 level for the Rising Band Series at Barnhouse. A full recording and score image can be found at the Barnhouse website. […]

Composition List and QR Codes

Dr. Joesph Pisano and I had a great chat a few weeks ago about expanding technologies that are becoming more “user friendly”. One such item that has wonderful possibilities for the performing arts are QR Codes. I was pleasantly surprised earlier today when I visited Mustech.net that Dr. Pisano had just published a great article on QR Codes for music […]

The Wind Band Music of Travis J. Weller

Thanks to a number of Web 2.0 integrations, I have started a Facebook page for The Wind Band Music of Travis J. Weller. It’s nice to be able to use a successful social media platform to assist with this aspect of being an advocate, composer, conductor, and educator. I plan on continue using the site here for musings about music […]

New music at FJH & Rising Winds from the Valley!

Now at FJH, you can view images of both The Last Stagecoach Heist and Jubilant Flourishes online while listening to streaming audio! The Last Stagecoach Heist works well as a programmatic work for JH/MS Ensembles, while the bold beginnings of Jubilant Flourishes lend themselves to a concert opener. Also of interest for those looking for music at the Grade 3-3.5 […]

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