Central York Clinic

I am excited to begin a two day clinic with the Central York High School and Middle School Bands on March 16th & 17th. It is an honor to be asked by colleagues who do what I do, and I am grateful to Jim Martini for extending me this opportunity. For the first time, I will have the opportunity to […]

Featured Music at CMU Pre-College Summer Camp

I am pretty excited to be included on the CMU Pre-College Summer Wind Ensemble program on Saturday, July 21, 2012. The Wind Ensemble is once again under the direction of a great colleague and conductor, Mr. Drew Fennell. I had the pleasure of catching up with Drew a few weeks ago – a long overdue visit for both of us, […]

A Frontier Fought and A City Found

What a couple of weeks!!! It has been absolutely humbling to have so many performances of “American Visions” over the past few weeks – my sincere thanks to many friends and colleagues who made the piece a part of their spring concert.  My thanks to Drew Fennell and the River City Youth Brass Band for their world debut performance of […]

A Journey, some Pirates, a Jig, and a “Frontier…”

On the horizon – Pirates! (a 2009 J.W.Pepper’s Editor’s Choice) and Irish Jig for Young Feet will be available this summer from FJH Music.  Irish Jig for Young Feet is a delightful little 6/8 jig with some call and response between the percussionists and the winds players (and their feet!).  My thanks goes out to Tad Greig who was the […]

A Frontier Fought and a City Found

I was honored to be asked by friend and colleague Drew Fennell to write for the River City Youth Brass Band.  They will present “A Frontier Fought and A City Found” on May 31, 2009 of this year.  The piece is a historical sonic potrait of the battles fought between the British and the French during the 1750’s around Pittsburgh.  […]

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