Adjudication, Assessment, and Contest – Oh My!
The important aspect to remember regarding assessment/adjudication/contest is that for the clinicians and judges it is a small snapshot of the rehearsal pedagogy and process an ensemble is put through.
The important aspect to remember regarding assessment/adjudication/contest is that for the clinicians and judges it is a small snapshot of the rehearsal pedagogy and process an ensemble is put through.
I am delighted to share a new work for High School and Collegiate groups “Alleluia Fanfare”. The Spanish melody known as “Madrid” is commonly found in church hymnals as “Come Christians Join To Sing”. While the origins of the melody are not known, the text to this hymn is attributed English minister Christian H. Bateman (1813-1889). The hymn tune is […]
The recipe for each part of the meal is an important step, and so too is selecting the repertoire to provide effective intellectual and musical nutrition for the students.
I am delighted to share that I have five new pieces available for Concert Band from Carl Fischer. I hope that you might take a few minutes to consider how these pieces might be beneficial for your ensembles to study and perform in the coming year. Additionally, I am highlighting several older pieces that groups continue to enjoy working on. […]
Indifference cannot overcome caring. Inadequacy is pushed aside with knowledge. Opposition is dismantled with diplomacy. Slow progress brings about patience in everyone that is involved – and it is still progress.