Free Chamber Music Post #7

To my friends and colleagues in instrumental music, this is the seventh in a series of free chamber music pieces that I am making available. As we seek ways to make music making more personal and meaningful in new teaching situations this fall, I thought it might be appropriate for our students to use a familiar work to help live […]

New Music for 2019-2020

Dear Friends and Colleagues in the Band World, Summer is a great time to recharge and regroup, and I hope each of you has been able to do just that with family and friends. As school approaches and you begin to consider what your groups will study and perform this year, I wanted to take time and share with you […]

OMEA 2019

I am enjoying a few days in Cleveland, Ohio for the Ohio Music Educators Professional Development Conference. It is wonderful to reconnect with many of the great music educators I got to know in Eastern Ohio while teaching in Western Pennsylvania during the first 22 years of my career. It is equally fulfilling talking with new faces about opportunities within […]

New Music for 2018-19

It is hard to believe that summer is approaching August 1. Knowing that school is around the corner for many friends and colleagues in the band world, I wanted to share four new works that have been published that may be of interest to school bands during the upcoming school year. There is a great deal of variety between their […]

Summer 2015 – The Days Are Just Packed!

Hello friends and colleagues! I hope all of you have experienced a successful end to your school year and are ready to recharge this summer. Some exciting news to report with some new music out, and some some clinic work. I am looking forward to presenting a couple of clinics at the PMEA 2015 Summer Conference in Harrisburg in July. […]

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