Messiah Year 1: Lessons Remembered

I suppose that every now and then it is a good idea to have a first-time experience all over again. I didn’t really plan on having my first year teaching all over again in year number 23 of my career in music education, but it happened. There are still things that I don’t know that I don’t know, and it […]

It truly is an honor.

Tomorrow (November 5th) I will be at Indiana University of Pennsylvania for their annual Junior High Honor Band Invitational. Dr. Jason Worzbyt (friend, colleague, and bassoonist supreme) extended an invitation to me last spring to come down and share with the students. I am so very appreciative when the invitation comes from not only a friend, but a colleague that […]

Figuring It Out One Note at a Time

Where did all this music come from? My role as a composer has become an integral component of my philosophy and my daily walk as a music educator.  Since my time as an undergraduate student I have always held an interest in arranging and composition for instrumental ensembles, but after taking my first teaching position I found my duties did […]

I’ll never be smarter…

Since May of 2011 I have been preparing for the last week of my life, and I still did not feel ready. With all course work complete at Kent State University, the next major hurdle in front of me towards a doctoral degree in music education were candidacy exams. On Wednesday & Thursday (10/26 & 27) I wrote for a […]

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