Choosing Repertoire for Middle School Band

An abridged version of this article appeared in the January 2014 issue of Teaching Music (a publication of NAfME). For a list of works that I have completed for this level, please click here. Within today’s middle school band programs around the country, there are many directors that must develop their student’s technical performance skills within the ensemble setting.  Although […]

New Year, New Search, Same Old Indiana

Nope sorry. No Dr. Jones here. Even a little far yet from being Dr. Weller.  But my search is beginning to intensify, and I am starting to see some light in an area of instrumental music that I am deeply concerned about.  I promise there will be no fire at the high school or the middle school, but I do […]

The beginnings of great artists (Part 2)

So the artists work is now starting to roll in – between final rehearsals for our “Fright Night” Concert and (surprise!) getting a touch with the flu, we had a couple week hiatus from our composition work.  I sat down today with a number of the students to listen to their 2nd assignment: an 8 measure duet with percussion accompaniment. […]

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