What makes an effective music educator?

To say I have been buried and been behind – including postings on the blog – this fall is like saying “Sales for Chrysler have been a little down lately”.  There have been a lot of busy things happening, a lot of demanding things happening, and some good things happening in there too.  Parts of my studies at Kent State […]

A Frontier Fought and a City Found

I was honored to be asked by friend and colleague Drew Fennell to write for the River City Youth Brass Band.  They will present “A Frontier Fought and A City Found” on May 31, 2009 of this year.  The piece is a historical sonic potrait of the battles fought between the British and the French during the 1750’s around Pittsburgh.  […]

2008 Midwest Band & Orchestra Conference

It really doesn’t get any bigger than Midwest.    Don’t bring MENC’s All-East into the conversation because truth be known – the clinics, concerts, and vendors are not that much better (if at all) than many state conferences.  Midwest is a glorious week in December that for many might be “The Most Wonderful Time of theYear” (With humble apologies to Capital […]

I can smell the funnel cake from here…

So Dr. Pisano says to me ” You’re hosting the November Blog Carnival.” I say “Sure!” He didn’t share with me that this carnival lacks funnel cake…very distressing. But we are lining up a series of great posts for the November carnival.  I can almost smell the funnel cake from here… There is plenty of room for new posts as well as bringing […]

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