I can smell the funnel cake from here…

So Dr. Pisano says to me ” You’re hosting the November Blog Carnival.” I say “Sure!” He didn’t share with me that this carnival lacks funnel cake…very distressing. But we are lining up a series of great posts for the November carnival.  I can almost smell the funnel cake from here… There is plenty of room for new posts as well as bringing […]

Lessons learned from Michael Phelps

The Olympic Games have been nothing short of amazing displays by amazing athletes. Phelps certainly has claimed his spot at the front of the class with his amazing swims over the first 8 nights of these games. Watching others go through the “thrill of victory and the agony of defeat” (Thanks Jim! Rest in peace!) is as real as it […]

Building a better box

As I hinted at earlier this summer, the May 6th concert at Mercer was great. The students delivered some wonderful performances of music by Julie Giroux, Quincy Hilliard, Andrew Boysen, Willie Owens, Brian Balmages, Scott Watson, and Patrick Burns. The other part of the equation was the willingness of a great friend and colleague make an idea a reality with […]

A Band for All Seasons

I have been way too busy.  It feels like a month since my last post, and then I realized it has been a month since my last post.  Arrrgh…. But now I find myself past the half way point of my summer session at Kent (a little sad about Dr. Dorfman leaving, but he will do great things at BU), […]

The Great Thing About Suspended Animation

Now on the other side of 5 credits at Kent State University, I actually have some free moments to think and there has been a couple of things I have been wanting to share. Actually there is more than a couple, I just have not had the time. Most of them deal with new music that I have come across […]

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