BCAEC Presentation

I am looking forward to presenting at the Beaver County Arts Education Consortium tomorrow at Beaver Falls High School. I have the dubious distinction of following the honorable Dr. Joseph M. Pisano who will present during the morning session. Looking forward to some lively discussion, sharing some undiscovered hot charts, and how to get the most of some technology platforms […]

Composition List and QR Codes

Dr. Joesph Pisano and I had a great chat a few weeks ago about expanding technologies that are becoming more “user friendly”. One such item that has wonderful possibilities for the performing arts are QR Codes. I was pleasantly surprised earlier today when I visited Mustech.net that Dr. Pisano had just published a great article on QR Codes for music […]

Interdisciplinary Unit and RCampus

So thanks to Dr. Jay Dorfman’s (while he was still at Kent)class this past summer, I created an interdisciplinary unit on the Trail of Tears to enrich my ensemble’s studying of two pieces of music, “The Trail of Tears” by James Barnes and “Etowah” by Brian Balmages.  For those of you unfamiliar with the piece by Barnes, I highly recommend […]

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