Rehearsals with Progress, Not Perfection
While the pursuit of perfection in performance is a goal, progress is the barometer by which directors need to gauge their students and ensembles.
While the pursuit of perfection in performance is a goal, progress is the barometer by which directors need to gauge their students and ensembles.
Conducting is but one aspect of successful teaching in instrumental music, and similar to discussion on rehearsal techniques or studio pedagogy, will only improve through sustained conversation and self-analysis of one’s own work.
Holding oneself accountable for artistry can only be accomplished through actively creating and making music as an individual and with others.
Episode 15 of the TMC is now up. The one thing we all have is exactly the one thing we don’t need in our horizontal and vertical conversations in music education.
Some comforting and insightful words on repertoire selection for young music educators from three experienced directors.