A Composer on Conducting: An overview

Conducting is but one aspect of successful teaching in instrumental music, and similar to discussion on rehearsal techniques or studio pedagogy, will only improve through sustained conversation and self-analysis of one’s own work.

How do you pick repertoire?

I often see posts in discussion groups and field questions from directors regarding repertoire selection. Too often, the advice I see posted is “Anything by __________” (insert composer name here). I understand the desire to have an easy solution but “play anything by Composer X” does not take into account individual situations, students, and the context of the school. I […]

Why our band programs need chamber music now more than ever

What does the future of instrumental music education hold for the band world? As I have completed several virtual clinics the past few weeks, this question has never been more in the front of the minds of band directors. Until COVID-19, this question was being asked by those frustrated with recruitment, retention, scheduling, student effort, administrative support, and financial backing […]

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