Release “A New Sheriff in Town”?

Junior High and Middle School Band Directors are encouraged to check out “A New Sheriff in Town”, a brand new release in the composition store just in time for use at adjudication/assessment settings or at spring concerts. 12 Years after the release of “The Last Stagecoach Heist” (published by FJH Music), the beginning of the story is told in a […]

As Moonlight Falls

I am delighted to share the recording of “As Moonlight Falls” (available from Wingert-Jones this summer). This lyric work has a lot to offer musically for developing tone, phrasing, and expression in young bands (Grade 2). I am especially proud of the beautiful moments within it, and it is certainly a change of pace for my writing at this level. […]

President’s Day, Washington, and Billings

President’s Day (as it became known in after the 1971 Uniform Monday Holiday Act) was first established in 1885 to recognize the birthday of the first President of the United States, George Washington ( editors, 2010). While the bill was being considered by Congress, it was proposed that Washington’s Birthday be renamed President’s Day as a way to pay tribute […]

In a Summer Daze

When was July 4th? Same time as last year? When did that happen? I guess I am in a “summer daze”… To all my band director friends and colleagues, I hope you are enjoying a great summer – time to refresh and refocus. Before long many of us (including yours truly) will be back into marching band camps and rehearsals. […]

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