New Music for 2012-13

A new year brings new opportunities to share exciting music with your ensembles. There are plenty of good choices out there among the new literature being published, and I hope you will consider several of these works below for your ensembles. Winds of a New Day (1.5) – An energetic concert opener suitable for an elementary band. It is listed […]

New Music up at C.L. Barnhouse

I am pleased to announce that three new works are now up and available from C.L. Barnhouse. If you visit the site you can check out a score image while listening to the recording by the Washington Winds. The pieces are listed below with approximate grade level in parentheses. Please let me know your thoughts on this music, and I […]

Journey has arrived!

Thank you friends and colleagues for your patience and support over the last four years. It has been a long process to be sure, but I am pleased to announce that Journey to the Prairie is now available from Manhattan Beach Music. It may be ordered direct from MBM or you can order from JW Pepper as well. Journey to […]

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